Core Governance Tools

Governance tooling is owned and maintained by the community. With community approval, Intersect, through its committees and working groups, plays an important role in hosting and maintaining these governance tools. Through active community involvement, the aim is to create the initial Governance foundation layer together with different builders in the community.

These governance tools support the whole process, both off-chain and on-chain, and as a whole they support the implementation of the governance described in CIP-1694 and its adoption. The community is able to further contribute to these tools by maintaining and improving existing features and pillars, creating new features or completely new areas either by themselves or supported by awards and grants facilitated by Intersect.

With the freedom to test and refine Cardano’s next era of governance principles under one central apparatus, GovTool helps the Cardano community forge a future governance framework that represents the community’s best democratic interests.


  • The core governance tools are a set of two minimum viable tools for ada holders to interact with Cardano's on-chain governance.


  • CIP1694 adds the ability for governance to Cardano, but to make it easier than CLI to use

  • to ensure legitimacy we need to make it easy to use for ada holders


  • Intersect and community builders

  • Governed by the governance tools working group


Last updated